Water conservation

Water as we consume it in Canada is a basic need. Going through an extensive filtration process it flows clean from our taps. On any given day, count how many times you turn on your faucet, flush the toilet? An automatic action we don’t give a second thought to. We are seeing more towns, cities across the country putting seasonal water restrictions as a reminder to be conscientious on our water consumption.

As we will hear from the September SGC guest speaker, Lynn Moss will share her passion for water conservation. According to Lynn water is in the news worldwide more than ever before, particularly rainwater. Farmers in England are losing their crops as it has been nonstop rain and cool weather yet in much of Europe, fires rage. In one part of Spain, it is so dry that an old city under a drying lake is appearing while in another part of Spain, flash flooding is washing cars down the street.

We had a most welcome rain at the end of July after a long dry spell. The CRD published a report in 2016 on climate change in our area which predicted a trend of less rain in our area, and it is all bunched into a few winter months, with spring, summer and early fall being dry. So far, the report has been accurate, and gardeners and farmers are struggling. Is there anything we can do to adjust to what seems to be the new normal?

The need to understand where our water comes from, how it goes where it goes and how it is stored in nature. How can we conserve water for when we need it now and for future generations and some ways to keep it? What methods did the indigenous people use and still use which the settlers could learn and use? What plants are best for our changing climate and what are best ways to water with less water and garden design will all be mentioned.

Lynn does not have a post-secondary degree in water science but started reading at the start of Covid and enlisted some friends into learning and sharing knowledge about water. Information shared is not technical and is easy to understand for the non-scientific minded. She is part of 606 Water Group who have been given grants from Sooke to educate people about water conservation and healthy watersheds.

If you are a current Sooke Garden Club member, or would like to join, come to the meeting on Wednesday, September 28th at 7:00pm at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.


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