Willow Wood Farm

Many years ago, 1988 to be exact, both the Winter Olympics and the Giant Pandas arrived in Calgary, bringing with it a frenzy of excitement. The city was a buzz of activity, growth for the games, as well as the first time the Zoo was to host the pandas. I was working at the Calgary Zoo as the front desk receptionist. Now you ask yourself; how does this relate to our topic of willow? Being new to the job, I soon grew to love my position. The horticulture department being my favorite area to explore. There were nine women each one worked in a different department of the Zoo, they included me into their friend circle, one of them being Donna Balzer, head horticulturist at the time. Our group would meet every fall in East Coulee, Alberta to spend a weekend gathering willow, making picture frames, chairs, baskets and tables. It has never escaped me how fortunate I was to meet these women, to learn the skill of willow weaving, and to carry on the love of horticulture.

Willow Wood Farm is in the historic Mt. Newton Valley on Vancouver Island. It is a 10- acre family run farm, with their focus growing many 40 plus willow species and varieties sustainably. Rosemary Ishkanian will be joining the Sooke Garden Club on January 24th to share her knowledge on growing, making willow items, and engaging us in her skills. Sooke Garden Club members are welcome to join the meeting on Wednesday, January 24th at 7:00pm at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.

If you are a current Sooke Garden Club member, or would like to join, come to the meeting on Wednesday, January 24th at 7:00pm at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.

Check our Facebook page or email us at sookegc@gmail.com.


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