Member Contests


Potato Contest

Potatoes are available for sale at the March and April meetings. Members are encouraged to participate and to sponsor a child’s participation. The potato variety is chosen by the Potato Contest Committee.

  1. Members may grow and care for their potatoes in any way except that each potato must be planted whole, not cut into pieces. Committee members supervise the digging and weigh the potatoes in the two-week period preceding the September meeting.

  2. On digging day, the spuds are weighed and the weights recorded to determine the largest overall yield grown by an adult, the largest overall yield grown by a child, and the largest single spud. Contestants are also urged to select those specimens that they wish to enter in the “Funniest Vegetable” category and take them to the October meeting, where they will be judged.

  3. Prizes are awarded for the largest yield (adult and child categories) and the largest potato.

Winners are announced and prizes awarded at the Annual General Meeting in November.

Please note that “Best Quality 5 Spuds” will be judged as a part of the regular September Parlour Show.


Pumpkin, Squash and Funniest Vegetable Contests

Entries for the largest member-grown squash or pumpkin will be judged at the October meeting. Prizes are also awarded for the best decorated or carved pumpkin and for the funniest vegetable.

Members may purchase the pumpkin to be decorated or carved.

Photo Contest

Photos can be emailed in until October 15th and members at the October meeting vote for their favourite photo in each category. Winners are announced and prizes awarded following the AGM in November.

Contest rules:

  1. The photo must have been taken during the preceding 12 months.

  2. The person submitting the photo must have taken the picture, however the subject of the photo (e.g., garden, plant specimen, pet) need not belong to the member.

  3. The limit is one photo per person per category.

  4. Email photos to with “Photo contest” in the subject and clearly identifying the category being entered. See list below:

Photo categories:

  1. Garden

  2. Single plant

  3. Single bloom

  4. Fruit or vegetable

  5. Children/pets in the garden

  6. Plants growing in a container

  7. Water feature

  8. Garden humour

  9. Birds/animals in Nature