Garden Events in Sooke & Beyond

SGC Meeting: Fruit Trees & More w/Bob Duncan
Training systems, pruning techniques, variety selection and suitable sites.
Parlour show
Contest potatoes for sale

Edible Landscape Design w/Joshua Clae Wagler
Transforming your landscape into a thriving foodscape.
parlour show

Sooke Secret Garden Tour / Day 1
Delighting gardening and music fans alike for 20+ years, this annual Sooke Philharmonic Orchestra fundraiser showcases local gardens and music by orchestra musicians.
More info:

Sooke Secret Garden Tour / Day 2
Delighting gardening and music fans alike for 20+ years, this annual Sooke Philharmonic Orchestra fundraiser showcases local gardens and music by orchestra musicians.
More info:

Sooke Fall Fair / Day 1
With this year’s “Plant a Seed” theme, residents of all ages are encouraged to participate and attend, with agricultural components including produce, flowers, baking, beer and wine, plus arts and crafts and photography.
Learn more at:

Sooke Fall Fair / Day 2
With this year’s “Plant a Seed” theme, residents of all ages are encouraged to participate and attend, with agricultural components including produce, flowers, baking, beer and wine, plus arts and crafts and photography.
Learn more at:

2025 Fall Native Plant Gardening Workshop
Introductory 3-hour workshops for Capital Region residents about gardening with drought-resistant native plants, hosted at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary in Saanich.
$5 per person – pre-registration required.
A 2-hour online class will also be offered Sunday, Oct. 5.
Learn more here: Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary

2025 Fall Native Plant Gardening Workshop
Introductory 3-hour workshops for Capital Region residents about gardening with drought-resistant native plants, hosted at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary in Saanich.
$5 per person – pre-registration required.
A 2-hour online class will also be offered Sunday, Oct. 5.
Learn more here: Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary

Victoria Master Gardners w/Elaine Scott
All about heather.
Parlour Show
Photo contest entries due

2025 Fall Native Plant Gardening Workshop
Introductory 3-hour workshops for Capital Region residents about gardening with drought-resistant native plants, hosted at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary in Saanich.
$5 per person – pre-registration required.
A 2-hour online class will also be offered Sunday, Oct. 5.
Learn more here: Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary

SGC Meeting: Mushrooms w/Steve Smith
All about mushrooms.
Pumpkin, Squash, Funniest & Vegetable Contest
Parlour Show

Sooke Garden Club Annual General Meeting
Elections, prizes & awards!
A sweet & savoury holiday celebration

SGC Meeting: FireSmart Landscaping w/Madison Crawford
Our presenter will be Madison Crawford, FireSmart Coordinator and Fire Prevention Inspector/Life Safety Educator District of Sooke.
Parlour Show
Contest potatoes for sale

2025 Spring Native Plant Gardening Workshop
Introductory 3-hour workshops for Capital Region residents about gardening with drought-resistant native plants, hosted at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary in Saanich.
$5 per person – pre-registration required.
Sign up at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary

2025 Spring Native Plant Gardening Workshop
Introductory 3-hour workshops for Capital Region residents about gardening with drought-resistant native plants, hosted at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary in Saanich.
$5 per person – pre-registration required.
Sign up at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary

Soil, compost & mulching with Michaila Frawley of Sooke Soil
Soil, compost & mulching presentation.
• Parlour Show

Salt Spring Seedy Saturday
Salt Spring Farmers Institute, 351 Rainbow Rd.
Admission $5.
Learn more at:

Garden Design with Anna Saunders
Starting with a well thought out garden design can put you ahead of the game. Knowing which areas of your yard/property takes in more sunlight, shady spots, good, drained soil to clay, sandy soil. It will make for planting, maintaining and longevity easier.
SGC member Anna Saunders has an outstanding background as landscape designer, owner and operator of DIVA Landscape Design. Anna was educated in Warsaw, Poland, holds a master’s degree in landscape architecture at Horticultural Dept of SGGW.

SGC Annual General Meeting
Elections, prizes & awards. A sweet & savoury holiday celebration.

Earthwise Gardening
What did well this year in the garden, how can I improve my veggie patch, how can my perennial bed show more autumn colors, what is the best location for my favorite plant(s)? Layer up with rain gear, garden trowel, gloves and embrace the autumn.
As the Executive Director of Earthwise Society, Patricia Fleming has over 25 years’ experience designing demonstration gardens. She specializes in the creation of ecological gardens that work with natural systems, to incorporate indigenous plants and enhance biodiversity.

Stick To Your Roots
Speaker: Mary-Alice Johnson of ALM Farms
Parlour Show; Photo contest entries due.

Strawberry Tea, Parlour Show & Trophy Rose Competition
Mark your calendar now – the registration email will be sent out June 10, when members can RSVP for this free event. Guests may accompany a member for $7.
A volunteer sign-up sheet will be at the General Meeting. Please consider helping in any way that you can. If you'd like to volunteer but cannot make it to the meeting, please respond to this email and let us know if you'd like to help set up at 10 am or have a job during the event. Last year’s volunteers were amazing and really helped the tea to run smoothly.
We'll again have a Parlour Show and Fancy Hat contest, so start planning now!
1. Trophy rose, 1 single bloom, 1/2 - 3/4 open, leaves attached, no side buds
2. Scented rose in a snifter
3. Collection of 6 different named culinary herbs in water
4. Strawberries, 6 with stems & decorated with own leaves
5. Open category vegetable(s)
6. 3 different named annuals
7. Any perennial, 1 stem
8. Arrangement “Summer Splendour,’ using own garden plants
9. Flowering vine
10. People’s Choice

Tiny Pocket Forests
Speaker: Paula McCormick
• Pumpkin, Squash, Funniest Vegetable & Contest
• Parlour Show

The Garden: Salt Spring
The journey from growing commercial greenhouse lettuce to growing subtropical citrus and avocados on Salt Spring Island.
• Parlour Show
• Contest potatoes for sale

The Importance of Native Plants
Speaker Abbey Hyde will speak on the importance of native plants, and their ability to restore and enhance habitat within the urban context. Her presentation will highlight ways in which individuals can convert their properties into pollinator friendly landscapes. At the end of her speech there will be an opportunity to purchase some of the plants outlined in her presentation.

All About Willows
Rosemary Ishkanian will share her knowledge on growing and making willow items.

Seed saving w/Mary Alice Johnson of ALM Farms
Club meeting includes:
Pumpkin, Squash & Funniest Vegetable Contest
Judging of Photo Contest

Water Conservation - Some what, how and why information
Water is in the news worldwide more than ever before, particularly rain water. We need to understand where our water comes from, how it goes where it goes and how it is stored in nature. How can we conserve water for when we need it now and for future generations and some ways to keep it?

Year-round vegetable gardening w/Kayla Siefried of Compost Education Centre
Club meeting includes Parlour show.

Mother's Day Plant Sale
Our annual plant sale for the public at Evergreen Shopping Centre in Sooke.
Members are invited to donate plants (well-rooted and labelled), seeds, pots, etc., for sale at the annual Spring Plant Sale. The sale is open to the public, and proceeds help fund the monthly educational presentations.

Plants That Earn Their Keep!
Speaker: Jeff de Jong
Club meeting includes Parlour Show; Contest potatoes for sale.

Seedy Saturday
Seeds, plant starts (berries, hops, herbs, flowers, medicinal plants), seed potatoes, mason bees, bee housings, food offerings and more.

Alpine Gardening w/Paul Spriggs
Club meeting includes Parlour Show. Contest potatoes will be for sale.

Victoria Dahlia Society
Speakers include:
Marguerite Casey-Wolnicki, President of the Dahlia Society
Emily Erickson, Vice President
Thomas Wolnicki, Membership Director
Club meeting will include Parlour Show.

SGC Town Hall & Workshop
Speaker: Ron O’Brien
Ron will be running a Town Hall meeting whereby he will ask for your participation and input as to what you like about the Club and what events, etc. you’d like to see in the future.
Call for volunteers to help out at our meetings. There will be some sign-up sheets for volunteers at the next meeting. We are hoping to recruit for each of the following tasks:
A "Lead Person" for each of the following, where we are hoping you will be able to commit to being the Lead for all of our meetings in 2023. The Lead person will be responsible for following up with/recruiting volunteers to help with:
Tea, Coffee Service & Kitchen Clean-up (except 25 January)
Treats (on the 25th, the Executive Committee will be bringing the treats)
Set-up crew. For the 25th, we are looking for 3 volunteers to help.
Clean-up crew. For the 25th, we are looking for 3 volunteers to help.

Medicinal Herbs with Joleen Kraft
Joleen Kraft of Modern Alchemy will talk about growing medicinal herbs.

Colour Harmony with Regina Ternus and Susanne Barker of the Victoria Flower Arrangers Guild
Understanding how to use colour to create an overall look is a complex and evolving area of studying. Knowing how and when to use the first 5 basic colour harmonies; monochromatic, analogous, triadic, complementary, and polychromatic is the starting point.
New members welcome!
Regular meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month from January through May, and from September through November, 7:00-9:00 pm.