Tomatoes – growing and saving seeds
You say To-may-to I say To-mah-to, is it a fruit or is it a vegetable? Just a few well known quotes of the versatile fruit “tomatoes”. Whether picked right off the vine or on a toasted sandwich, all it needs is a bit of salt and pepper and its bursting with flavour.
This month’s well-known speaker is Mary Alice Johnson. She has owned ALM farm and Full Circle Seeds for over 35 years. Her background spans years of teaching organic farming, courses at Camosun College, as well as working with young people on her farm. Enabling many of them to have their own farm productions.
Mary has been growing tomatoes since the late 80’s, and currently grows and saves seed from around 40 different open-pollinated varieties. Such as striped, yellow, green, black and orange. The Sooke Garden club members will be able to meet in person on her farm Wednesday, April 27th where they will be given a presentation on growing tomatoes and saving their seeds. Mary will break it down into five stages: seeding, transplanting, planting into the ground, training, and seed saving.
As well, take note the annual plant sale is back on so be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, May 7th from 10-2pm at the Evergreen Mall which will be open to the public. Watch for posters, and check our website and Facebook page for all the information. New members are always welcome, join us!