Medicinal Herbs

My aunt used to grow herbs in hollowed out stumps by her back door. Without even knowing it she was trending way back then. Not only were they attractive, the aromas of the thyme, basil, parsley, oregano, and many other herbs woke up my senses. Telling me to rub the leaves between your fingers to activate the scents. She gave me one for my birthday and I continued to plant for many years in that stump. Since moved on to raised beds and windowsill pots for herbs, just in reach for everyday use.

Joleen Kraft originally grew up on the prairies having a large garden. Now living in Sooke she is an acupuncturist and herbalist and grows a productive vegetable garden and is working toward establishing more herbals for her medicine making. Her site shows the treatments offered for herbal and acupuncture. Like my aunt taught me years ago, Joleen says “that every time you brush against an aromatic herb, you’re getting a dose of herbal medicine”.

Joleen will be the speaker for the October Sooke Garden Club meeting, discussing the use of some herbs that can be easily grown for their medicinal purposes, focusing in part on their benefit to the nervous system.

If you are a current Sooke Garden Club member, or would like to join, come to the meeting on Wednesday, October 26 at 7:00pm at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.

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January Town Hall Meeting & Workshop


Basic Colour Theory in Floral Design, 5 Harmonies